Humankind is facing the biggest environmental challenge our generation has ever seen. No matter what you’re passionate about, something you care about will be affected by climate change and the way we manage our eco-system.Demand action from governments and big businesses to cut emissions, to help farmers deal with changing weather and make sure there’s enough good food for us all. Join us and people around the world to win the fight against hunger. Together, we can do it!
Strike for the Climate 20 September
Strike for the Climate 20 September. Join us to strike with young people in a global day of action ahead of UN climate summit
Act for Africa
Africa is the continent most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.
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Support our Climate Justice Work in Practice The global crisis of climate change cannot be solved without taking a holistic approach that integrates and supports the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in September of this year. Addressing equality and climate (in)justice is a major goal of AU Watch.
Throughout 2010, AU Watch is leading advocacy campaigns to lobby the AU and states to take all reasonable steps within their power to reduce carbon emissions