Become an AU Watcher


We need your help to change the way the AU and AUMS deal with all of us. Join thousands of campaigners in workplaces, markets, schools, across farms, communities and even online who are taking a stand for Africa and demanding answers from our leaders.

As an AU Watcher, what will I be doing?

AU Watch Citizens Platform

This is a network of policy and development experts interested in social, political and policy issues that are shaping Africa and the AU. Interested? You will, for example, be debating what type of AU Africa should have, if we are to have one at all. Benefits? Members enjoy exclusive opportunities to interact with AU Watch experts, key regional policy influencers, and like-minded peers through thought-provoking events on a diverse range of topics. Want some more information? Many of our members on this platform are academics and researchers. If you want to be a member of this forum, please write to us here.

Talking Drummers

This is a network of journalists and human rights activists.Members are part of a regional and local Network of AU Watch journalists and media practitioners.They serve as reference points for our human rights, development and anti-corruption reports.  Some of the things expected from you will include transmitting information for the ‘State of the Union: Human Rights Year Book’ and ‘State of the Union: Development Year Book’. The information contained in the Human Rights Year Book, will include country entries and statistics about every human rights issue in that country, like even the number of prisons, police stations and secret detention centres.

You may also wish to act as a stringer for AU Watch, or want to assist us to write articles in some of the leading newspapers in the country where you are. Members normally work with local events organisers, AU Watch’sMedia Team and even the international media on behalf of AU Watch.

Benefits? Members enjoy exclusive opportunities to interact with AU Watch experts and leading African journalists. There are alsonumerous opportunities to interact with human rights journalists from around the world through thought-provoking events on a diverse range of topics. Interested in being a member of this forum? Please send us a mail.


Building a regional network of future leaders committed to improving the lives of others


AU Watch Business Angels

Our Angels network is an association of business leaders and investors interested in the economic and business issues that are shaping Africa and the AU. Members enjoy exclusive opportunities to interact with AU Watch business experts, key regional policy influencers, and like-minded peers through thought-provoking events on a diverse range of topics. If you want to be a member of this forum, please write to us here.

Become a Scholar of AU Watch

Since decisions of Africa’s transformation are too important to be left in the hands of policy makers and politicians in executive circles to decide upon alone, CSOs like AU Watch will continue to play an active role of accelerating transformation, of policy formulation and seismic shifts from rhetoric to reality in Africa. In that regard, AU Watch aims to be a major publishing establishment assisting Africa’s regional bodies and organizations in Africa’s transformative journey. Part of our vision is for AU Watch to become the principal informative hub for Africa about social justice issues, thereby contributing toward the promotion of democracy, human rights, security and the advancement of sustainable and inclusive development.

AU Watch is committed to rigorous evaluation of all its programmes. We are developing a dedicated team of social scientists who ensure that our work is informed by the latest research and delivers impact for our various publics. A defining characteristic of the AU Watch scholars is their commitment to improving the lives of others and working for the greater good of Africa. We understand that being a ‘Scholar’means bringing something unique to the programme. But we are looking for two key criteria.

• Academic excellence,with the ability of the scholar to make a significant contribution to their discipline.
• Leadership potential with a clear ability to lead and improve the lives of others.

Why not become a Scholar of AU Watch and join hundreds of individuals contributing to human dignity all over Africa, by writing and speaking on behalf of AU Watch?Many of our scholars are more than academics in their own right, supporting the organization by focusing on particular research or development programs that interest them the most. It could mean, for example, contributing to our own in-house journal, ‘The Journal of African Studies on the African Union.’Our aim is to find the most outstanding talents and leaders of tomorrow’s Africa who are ready to challenge what the AU and Africa is all about through critical writing, thinking and speaking. We are looking for people who are ready to defend their beliefs and fight for an Africa that promotes good governance and regional peace.

Our work is underpinned by our understanding of these issues and their importance in building lasting peace.We work with the AU, AUMS, other CSOs, international organizations, local, regional and the international media. We also work with local people to understand the key issues which affect their lives and to ensure their voices are heard locally, nationally and internationally.

Become a Scholar of AU Watch and join thousands of individuals contributing to human dignity all over Africa.Interested? Let us see you at our Forum.

AU Watch International Ambassadors Group (AUW-IAG)

AU Watch’s International Ambassadors Group (AUW-IAG) is a Council of distinguished international political, business and community leaders who represent the interest of AU Watch in their countries, increasing AU Watch’s ability to inform the global public about developments in the AU and its Member States. These Members — who represent and provide an invaluable service on behalf of AU Watch, inform AU Watch about how its policies are seen in those countries. Our Ambassadors, who many times are also donors, enjoy a range of opportunities to engage with AU Watch on a personal and corporate level. Membership on the International Ambassadors Group is by invitation only. Chaired by the Chairperson of AU Watch, the International Ambassadors Group meet annually during one of the two statutory Annual General Assemblies for an in-depth discussions of AU Watch’s work, scholar presentations, and discussions of critical regional issues, with the leading experts from AU Watch and other organizations.

Nominate someone to become a member of ourInternational Ambassadors Group.

Friends of AU Watch

Joining the ‘Friends of AU Watch’ network is a great way to take advantage of frequent opportunities to engage with AU Watch’s volunteers, staff members and local board members. It’s also a good way to roll up one’s sleeves and tuck in with the day-to-day work of AU Work. Many who join the ‘Friends of AU Watch’ network are our volunteers. But they take volunteering to another level by working closely with board and staff members. Many of them are our long-term volunteers. With invitations to many locally held events —from small coffee-style events to helping to organise massive campaigns — ‘Friends of AU Watch’ are able to take part in substantive exchanges with the staff and Board of AU Watch in a variety of settings. Throughout the year, we send members complimentary publications of AU Watch scholars and periodic special communications from AU Watch Chairperson. ‘Friends of AU Watch’ is also our core group of volunteers, providing crucial support that make many of our eventspossible. Want to be a member? Come along.

AU Watch Teachers Forum

So, our popular teacher forums are free to attend. Known for their friendliness and relevance (in terms information, resources and skills that can be taken back to the classroom), the forums take place at least once a term after school hours in countries where we have Chapters.

The forums are a fantastic way to:

  • Meet with local volunteers and colleagues;
  • Share resources, ideas and concerns;
  • Make suggestions to the teaching of AU issues;
  • Be first to know what’s coming up in terms of opportunities, training and events.
  • All forums are followed by an opportunity to enjoy light refreshments with colleagues.

So, what will it be? Interested? Join us in the Forum.


You will by now know that we are a unique organisation. We think that African schools not only need to reimagine how to teach our children, but what to teach them.Working with the AU, Recs, schools and other partners, AU Watch ensures that every educational institution in Africa have as part of their studies and training a course on AU affairs. We design and develop curricula and teaching materials on the AU for primary and secondary schools, colleges, universities, military and police academies, technical and vocational schools. We assist the AU raise their profile and their presence in schools of Member States, so that ordinary Africans not only know what the AU is doing but can also participate in its activities.

For example, AU Watch has designed an anti-corruption course to improve government transparency and accountability. Traditional approaches to fighting corruption tend to focus on rules, compliance and enforcement. Regulations are passed and organizations are formed to root out graft. These efforts may provide part of the solution, but are often hamstrung or ineffective in places where opacity and patronage are ingrained, and where there is a gap between legal frameworks and everyday behaviours. To truly build systems and societies with integrity we need to rethink these approaches and close these gaps through reimagining educat

AU Watch Students Forum

Welcome to the Students Forumwhere we inspire and empower the next generation of young African leaders connected by the continent’s normative shared values framework, especially its Agenda 2063 programme and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, by building a dynamic regional community of informed leaders who are actively participating in all the decision-making processes and affairs of the continent.

This is a place where you can submit any idea for change which you think your school, the AU or even AU Watch should implement.The purpose of the forum is to enable a formal and constructive conversation about the AU, the local AU Watch chapter and the schools in that country. The forum provides feedback on what students think about programs of the AU, as it affects the youths in that country or even in Africa. It acts as a sounding board to the AU, through AU Watch. Our Students Forums collaborate with our Teen Media Group and with other AU Watch’s Students Forums and networks around Africa. Local student’s forum organises dozens of events, like spelling bees, moot, chess and even sporting competitions sand on behalf of AU Watch  

Members of AU Watch’s Students Forum are also members of our APAS programme. AU Watch APAS programme (Agenda 2063 Program for African Students)is Africa’s leading academic enhancement and leadership development program of its kind for African secondary school students planning to pursue tertiary education and who wish to make a meaningful contribution and impact in the continent. It is a two-week ‘summer’ programme inspired by the African Union’s Agenda 2063 Programme especially the need for ‘Africa to develop its own long-term strategy to regain its own destiny’, with Africa’s youth at the helm.

Have a look at the ideas that are already on here to see the sort of things that students are proposing!If you can get at least 25 other students to vote for your idea, your local AU Watch Chapter will be able to put it forward to the local Teachers Forum. The Students Forum is a direct and effective way to get your voice heard. Join in the conversation and have your say.

AU Watch Young Persons Media Group (Teen Media Group)

We are also taking schools to Sessions of the Commission, and Court. You will work with AU Watch Radio and TV which are locally based. You will send reportsand analysis about your experiences in the meeting back home, for your mainly the teen audiences.

Love what you are hearing? Good. Come join me in our studio.

The special role of children’s radio and TV (Teen Media) should not be underestimated. AU Watch is developingin each of its chapters a ‘Young Persons Media Unit’, to convey (as anchors, correspondents and analysts) information and news about AU Watch and its activities – called AU Watch ‘Teen Media’ for children aged between 12 – 17 years of age, with audio – visual facilities.

Each Chapter will organize with their own local, national or public broadcaster a (bi) weekly slot for AU Watch Teen Programs on the AU – called ‘Know the AU’. AU Watch will have teens discussing, critiquing, analysing the relationship their country has with the AU, and of course encouraging their government to sign, ratify and domesticate all the AU’s human rights instruments.  It will be live streamed, including using Cloud streaming services.

AU Watch Moot Court Club

A moot is an event that simulates the conditions of a courtroom or arbitration proceedings, and is designed to provide (law) students with practice in drafting submissions and developing their oral advocacy skills. Mooting is an excellent opportunity for students to build upon a wide variety of skills essential to practice; teamwork, legal writing, research skills and advocacy.

AU Watch is rolling out its Moot Court Club for both secondary schools and universities. You will spend a few months researching and preparing written submissions assisted by senior law student before presenting them in front of lawyers, barristers and academics.You are also able to take part in three workshops every year for students of all levels of experience to help them improve their mooting skills.You are also able to benefit from advanced legal skills workshops on opening and closing statements to judges and juries, and witness handling (examination-in-chief/cross-examination). 

Our practical Moot Court experience tests oral and written skills in an interactive courtroom environment and is highly valuable for our law students prior to embarking on their law careers.You get the opportunity to take part in workshops and work with non-law students in show trials involving judges, juries, witnesses and legal counsels. Your practical courtroom experience involves complex mooting appeals up to the High Court and Court of Appeal Civil Division, including basic rules of evidence and court procedures.

Want to improve your written and presentation skills? Ok, then. See you in court.