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“Without strong watchdog institutions, impunity becomes the very foundation upon which systems of corruption are built. And if impunity is not demolished, all efforts to bring an end to corruption are in vain. “ 

Rigoberta Menchú, Nobel Prize laureate

Training and Events

Welcome to AU Watch Training and Events division, the leading global provider of management anti-corruption training programs. Our programs cater to your every need; from seminars to classroom-based programs, in-house tailored courses for the needs of any organisation. 

AU Watch engages in projects with a variety of partners and stakeholders, playing a leading role in facilitating and delivering anti-corruption education, as well as fostering dialogue to increase awareness and facilitate activities to prevent and combat corruption.

Training programmes, workshops, conferences, and other type of events on current topics relating to anti-corruption, compliance, and integrity are organized with renowned international partners in response to challenges and needs in such fields.

AU Watch is open to receiving proposals for joint projects and welcomes contributions for the implementation of such activities. If you wish to obtain further information on AU Watch projects, please contact the AU Watch Secretariat on

 You Can Host Us

Hosting an AU Watch course or events is a great opportunity for parties and partner institutions to:

  • showcase their achievements in fighting corruption
  • exchange experiences with macs participants from all continents
  • provide learning opportunities for the host organization’s staff members.

 Regional Summer Academy For 16 -19-Year-Olds

AU Watch is rolling out a Summer Academy, anti-corruption program for 16-19-year olds, who may be leaving school for colleges, universities, or work. It is a program administered under its APAS program.

Participants address region-specific corruption issues, share experiences with peers from neighbouring countries, and learn with expert lecturers from the region and beyond. Hosting a regional summer academy is an excellent opportunity for young people to:

  • raise the visibility of their own anti-corruption efforts
  • strengthen their regional network of anti-corruption professionals
  • further contribute to the regional and international fight against corruption.

In each case AU Watch develops the programme and signs an activity agreement with a local partner that specifies the latter’s contributions to the Regional Summer Academy. These could include, for example, identifying/providing the venue, visa support and local transportation for participants, and sharing the costs of the event. Potential host countries and local partners are encouraged to contact AU Watch to express their interest.

An eight-day interdisciplinary programme for anti-corruption and compliance professionals from this region seeking to sharpen their skills.

The AU Watch Regional Summer Academies are interdisciplinary regional programmes promote a deeper understanding of corruption, prepare participants to better address regional challenges and promote best practices, and offer frameworks for durable anti-corruption and compliance strategies.

Internationally renowned professors and practitioners combine theory with real-world case studies, providing fresh insights into regional anti-corruption issues.


Professionals from countries and areas with a minimum of 5 years of relevant work experience in the public or private sector, international or non-governmental organizations, as well as media representatives, and researchers in areas related to anti-corruption and/or compliance.

Applicants with a level of junior engagement demonstrating their potential may also apply.






Tuition Fee


Travel and Accommodation

Accommodation and local transportation will be arranged by IACA and are covered by the tuition fee.

Participants are responsible for their own flight arrangements..


Participants are responsible for their own medical and travel insurance and any associated costs.


Participants requiring a visa are responsible for their own visa arrangements and any associated costs.

Would you like to contribute to AU Watch Magazines

We welcome article submissions from alumni at any time. Faculty members, speakers, and researchers associated with AU Watch are also very welcome to contribute.


  • Impact stories:
    • Tell us how AU Watch’s programmes and trainings have supported your personal and/or professional development
    • Share updates on your local and regional AU Watch alumni initiatives and gatherings
  • Articles on current issues in anti-corruption, compliance, collective action, or related fields (including in the author’s sector of work), including commentary/analysis on new trends, legislation, guidelines, and studies
  • Articles featuring personal achievements or projects as well as reports on recent conferences and working groups in which alumni have been involved
  • Book reviews

Articles should be up to 1,600 words.


  • Articles must be written:
    • in the English language
    • in appropriate language for a professional publication
    • in a personal capacity.
  • Content must be properly referenced (using the Harvard Referencing System).
  • We accept simultaneous submissions, provided you let us know immediately in case your piece is being published elsewhere.
  • As AU Watch is an impartial international organization, articles of a sensitive, prejudiced, or nationally/politically biased character cannot be accepted.
  • Photos may be included to illustrate your topic; however, please make sure you hold the respective rights to further use and publish such photos.


To submit, use the submission form below to send your article to Please fill in all fields in the form and attach a high-resolution portrait photo as a separate file. You may also submit additional images for publication with your article.



As editor of the magazine, AU Watch retains editorial freedom. AU Watch reserves the right to select and edit written submissions and photos. Edited articles will be sent to authors for a final review except in the case of standard spelling and grammar edits.

Note: AU Watch may disseminate articles or article extracts from the AU Watch lumnus magazine via other channels, for example on its website, in information material, and via social media channels. In case you prefer your article not to be shared in such a way, please inform us prior to publication.

Re-imagining Education

Whilst AU Watch see a clear role for universities to be important partners in the battle against corruption, is it not the case of trying to close the stable doors after the horse has bolted? At AU Watch we recognize the matrix of reasons that keep Africa poor. We however agree with Geraldine Bedell (2009) of The Guardian newspaper who wrote that “no amount of aid, debt relief or trade is going to make a difference until the problems of corruption are solved: “Corruption is problem number one, two and three on that continent.” If we agree that corruption is the most devastating scourge in the continent that has blighted every sector and trumping all other social challenges, how is it the case that we intend only to challenge this plague at the adult stage of our lives? Wouldn’t it make more sense if tackle this menace at the start of life before we form ingrained and maybe irreversible habits and philosophies?

Traditional approaches to fighting corruption tend to focus on rules, compliance, and enforcement. Regulations are passed and organizations are formed to root out graft. These efforts may provide part of the solution but are often hamstrung or ineffective in places where opacity and patronage are ingrained, and where there is a gap between legal frameworks and everyday behaviours. To truly build systems and societies with integrity we need to rethink these approaches and close these gaps through reimagining education.

AU Watch is, therefore, of the view that anti-corruption studies should form part of all school’s curriculum, beginning at nursery and primary school with a view to promoting public awareness, personal integrity, civic responsibility, understanding of human rights and duties to society and the State. It is our view that we need to use education to build integrity from the bottom-up and that primary and secondary schools should be at the vanguard of a regional anti-corruption charge, whilst expecting the cavalry support from our tertiary institutions. What possible harm will come to Africa if we include anti-corruption studies into history, civic education, ethics, religious, literature and language lessons? Primary and secondary schools not only have a role in advancing knowledge, contributing to solving African problems and driving economic development, but the teaching of ethics and morals, appropriate behaviour and African traditional knowledge about living together, right from infancy might just be one of the keys to of a successful fight against corruption.

All the holy books admonish parents to teach and train their children from infancy about good citizenship: The Bible says: “these words that I am commanding you today must be on your heart, and you must inculcate them in your sons and speak of them when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road and when you lie down and when you get up. Indeed, all the holy books, including the Koran and the Torah emphasize the teaching of good morals and appropriate behavior immediately after birth.

As part of its contribution in fighting corruption across Africa, AU Watch’s Media, Communication and Education Team in collaboration with its Policy Programme Directorate, education departments in AU Member States, are developing anti-corruption syllabuses and programmes for primary and secondary schools. Fighting corruption demands a generational change, and students must be the key constituents in this shift. This means that we must teach and train Africa’s most important resource immediately after birth on anti-corruption, civic participation, open government and transparency. Why should it not be the case of organizing our schools to come together to support national and international networks of research and learning across Africa, in conjunction with governments, to ensure relevant lessons become the basis for shared action?

AU Watch’s media and advocacy teams are also organizing schools’ workshops and leading debates on corruption, its effect on African development and how to combat it in the various countries it has chapters. It is also developing courses on the broader aspects of corruption and methods of fighting the scourge and making these courses available for tertiary education. Working with law schools, particularly, AU Watch will advance reflection on appropriate methods of detecting and curtailing corruption, and document successful cases of effective mechanisms and institutions to address the issue.

In collaboration with AU Watch’s ‘Nelson Mandela Leadership Forum’, AU Watch is also working with the Ministry of Education of The Gambia to develop immediate interventions that would entail workshops to train civil society and local leaders on ethical leadership and sound public policy processes.

Corruption presents a variety of unique challenges for both private and public sector managers. Corruption erodes trust in government and undermines the social contract. This is a particular cause for concern in Africa where illicit financial flows cost Africa from at least $60bn every year – the same amount China is offering to ‘buy’ Africa. Considering that African countries are spending on average 5% of total GDP of about $1.5 trillion on public education every year, this would mean that corruption is subtracting more than half of the resources that could finance education for the whole continent every year. If we account for the fact that a one-year increase in average tertiary education levels would raise annual GDP growth in Africa by 0.39 percentage points, and eventually yield up to a 12% increase in GDP, the opportunity cost of corruption on young people is staggering! For them this means lost job opportunities, marginal access to basic services, and often disillusionment and hopelessness. These mutual-reinforcing conditions are in turn fueling instability.

Course Description:
AU Watch has designed a unique multidisciplinary anti-corruption course specifically for primary and secondary schools across Africa. This course also provides students with an understanding of the theoretical, legal, and operational concepts related to corruption as well as practical means to develop effective strategies for dealing with this very complex issue, even for these young minds. Using blended learning, interactive tools and an online and offline approach, the curriculum focuses on lessons, practices, and ideas from a variety of domains and contexts. Topics range from public sector reform issues to information systems innovations and will aim to build a learning agenda that can revolutionize anti-corruption approaches. It will create an active community of responsible leaders that have the relevant skills, policy ideas and strategies to fight corruption in the modern era.
Additionally, the courses demonstrate how new technologies, social media and strategic communications can be incorporated into effective anti-corruption strategies. At the end of both the primary and secondary school periods, students will be able to develop a deeper understanding of how to create an ethical society and understand the perniciousness of corruption on African economies. Students will also be able work with the ideas they develop through the process to implement real change and validate their learning through practice.

Read More (AU Watch’s Schools and Online Anti-Corruption Course to Improve Government Transparency & Accountability)