Our Mission and Vision


We are AU Watch’s unit dedicated to researching violent conflicts in Africa.  We conduct research on the conditions for peaceful relations between AU Member States and violent internal conflicts. We provide data, analysis and recommendations, to the AU, AU Member States, academics, policymakers, researchers, media and the interested public. Since its inception in 2018 the Unit is spearheading research into violent conflicts in Africa with the aim of enhancing citizen security by strengthening the effectiveness and accountability of the AU, AU Member States and African institutions.

The thrust of our work revolves around understanding the drivers of conflicts in Africa and their resolution – continually seeking to understand all the dynamics of violent conflicts and instability, including trying to understand their histories and processes that leads to some kind of resolution. Our research and work explore how various types of violent conflicts and crises erupt and how they can be resolved. We investigate how different kinds of violence affect different groups in society – women, children, minority communities, including refugees and internally displaced. We examine how the AU, its Recs, AU Member States resolve violent conflicts and crises, and the threats of violence and crisis. We monitor what the AU and its Recs are doing and saying, documenting general trends and informing concrete responses. We also want to have a deeper understanding of peace operations led by the AU and its Recs and to assist them to develop policy ideas to improve their chances of success.


We know that our strength lies in our differences and not our similarities -for our differences complement themselves. So, why should we allow our differences to divide us that leads to violent conflicts? We must have theknowledge, muster up the courage to recognize, accept and celebratethose differences. That is our mission – ending violent conflicts in Africa and ensuring that we truly silence the guns.

That is our mission – ending violent conflicts and crises in Africa, by expanding, deepening understanding the histories of conflicts, providing a trusted platform for dialogue, building enduring partnerships, and catalyzing strategic solutions, so that we truly silence the guns

At AU Watch, ending Africa’s violent conflicts, poverty, social injustice, poor governance, is our life’s mission — our call to arms and we invite you to take part in these most difficult and important unfulfilled tasks facing the AU and its Members. We want to reconstruct a new and peaceful Africa by using our own conflict transformation tools – dialogue, advocacy, media & communication, education and cooperation.

AU Watch is building a regional network of activists and volunteers that links civil society with relevant international, regional, national and local actors and institutions to collectively contribute to a fundamental change in dealing with violence and armed conflicts in Africa: it’s a shift from reaction to prevention.


We understand how violent conflicts have blighted the lives of all of us. AU Watch seeks an Africa where violence and armed conflicts are prevented and resolved by peaceful means based on justice, gender equity, sustainable development and human security for all.

We envisage an Africa, where:

  • Differences stimulate social progress, accentuate the vision of Agenda 2063, rather than precipitate violence.
  • Respect for and cooperation with those we disagree with is considered the norm for individuals, communities, organizations, and nations
  • There is a fundamental shift from reaction to prevention.

Differences stimulate social progress, accentuate the vision of Agenda 2063, rather than precipitate violence.

Respect for and cooperation with those we disagree with is considered the norm for individuals, communities, organizations, and nations

There is a fundamental shift from reaction to prevention, where security for all Africans are led effective institutions, starting with the AU that is accountable to its citizens.