Support the NGO Forum on the (African) Summit of Heads of State and Government

To engage with our leaders AU Watch has set up the ‘NGO Forum on the (African) Summit of Heads of State and Government. Are you able to participate? Institutions and individuals are welcome.Come in and have a look

AU Watch is setting up the ‘NGO Forum on the (African) Summit of Heads of State and Government.’ At the margins of every Summit and for three days before the policy organs meet, AU Watch is organizing an NGO forum, bringing together various CSOs to strengthen cooperation on democratic values, defend common interests, and debate the major issues facing the continent, and which are of importance to the African people.


The Conclusions of the Forum will be presented to the Executive Council, the Permanent Representative Council and to our Heads of State and Government, as a guide to inform them of the issues that are of concern to the African people. We are of the view that our policy chiefs should make space within their agenda to address then issues which are of concern to the African people.

The NGO Forum shall place priority on generating timely, informed, and provocative analysis that tackles the drivers of development, human rights, governance, rule of law, corruption, political tension, instability, in a highly volatile region that faces diverse and dramatic political, economic, demographic, and environmental shifts in the short and medium term. Our analysis and policy recommendations to the policy organs shall be distributed widely and available to the public via our TV and Online radio programs, publications, blogs, videos, and podcasts.

We invite all CSOs and individuals interested in addressing the challenges of Africa to take part in this innovative forum. Email us

Want to Take Part in the Regional Forum on the AU?

In collaboration with a host country, AU Watch is organizinga Regional Forum on the AU every two years. The Regional Forum on the AU shall be a multi-stakeholder event to present the mission, views and achievements of CSO’s and NGO’s on the AU. Whilst all CSOs basically share a single objective – that is to improve the lives of people, there is no coherence in the way CSOs work and do things. We need regional coherence.

Don’t you want to know,for example, what the various types of NGOs do in Africa; how much money is being spent, for what causes, and what they do, and how effective they have been over the years?We (regional CSOs working collaboratively) are also thinking of developing an ‘AU Policy Scorecard Project’.  This will be an innovative project that provides a systematic annual assessment of the AU’s performance and interactions in dealing with the rest of Africa and the world. The scorecard assesses the performance of AU institutions on, say fifty, major policy areas arranged around some key thematic issues like:



  • Regional Integration
  • Corruption and Africa’s Development
  • Justice and Human rights
  • Governance and rule of law
  • Conflict and Violence
  • Human Security
  • Sustainable development
  • Information Technology
  • Africa’s Youths
  • Climate Change and Environmental Protection
  • Terrorism and Religious Fundamentalism
  • Gender and Sexuality
  • Trade and Small Businesses
  • Politics of the AU and Multilateral Issues

The Regional Forum on the AU seeks to contribute to a new set of regional policies that also support the democratic and human rights movement in the region; transform conflict and security debates to de-escalate crises and where possible drive peace-building solutions; reset AU–CSOs relations; guide CSOs in their pursuit of the new opportunities created by a changed AU andmake CSOs play a more active problem-solving role in the affairs of the AU.

Interested? Please email us

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