Using holistic approaches to fight corruption, we are AU Watch’s Unit that empowers development organisations and professionals to make a lasting impact in the fight against corruption – mainly through research, advocacy, anti-corruption training and education. We work very closely with AU Watch’s Anti-corruption Centre by assisting it to deliver and facilitate anti-corruption education and training mainly for professionals and practitioners from the development sector. We train development professionalsto identify, expose and eradicate corruption. We also a platform that provides advocacy, research dialogue and networking. We bring together local development practitioners allowing for the growth of grounded anti-corruption strategies.

Fighting corruption is one of AU Watch’s most prioritized areas. This is so given that corruption is widespread in nearly every country in Africa.Everyone in Africa knows that poverty and corruption go hand-in-hand, affecting the poorest the most. Corruption poses a serious threat to development. So, the anti-corruption work at the Agenda 2063 Unit is given a high priority as it is the poor that suffer the most. Corruption has weakened the trust in nearly all communities in Africa; it has undermined democracy and the rule of. In many, as Covid-19 as exposed, if worst entire social structureshave been eroded. It has hampered economic growth,

inhibitedinvestments, undermined social services like health and education. All told, corruption is a serious obstacle to development.

According to the AU, Agenda 2063 is an approach of how the continent should effectively learn from the lessons of the past, build on the progress now underway, and strategically exploit all economic, financial and social possibilities available in the short, medium and long term, so as to ensure positive socio-economic transformation within the next 50 years.

AU Watch’s Agenda 2063 Unit works to achieve the vision of Agenda 2063 by bringing together the AU, AU Member States, civil society, and the private sector to address corruption, poverty and hunger. We fight corruption, poverty, hopelessness, helplessness and destitution through training and education. We believe that not only can corruption and poor governance be batted into the dustbin of history, but that Agenda 2063 is very achievable.  We, therefore, work that the AU, its Members and all of us strive toward that vision of an Africa, not only at peace with itself, but an Africa that has made corruption, poverty and human rights violation a museum relic.


We help the AU and its Members build accountable, capable and transparent institutions.

  • We work to strengthen governance as envisaged by Agenda 2063 and counter corruption and other financial crimes.
  • To deliver and facilitate anti-corruption education and training for development professionals and practitioners. We write, commission books, training materials, syllabuses and curriculum on anticorruption mainly for the development sector. As a platform that provides advocacy, research dialogue and networking, we assemble local development practitioners, especially those working on Agenda 2063, allowing for the growth of grounded anti-corruption strategies.
To contribute significantly to the AU’s fight against corruption and become the leading regional tertiary institution in the training of anti-corruption professionals engaged in development work.


Our values reflect our practices. We hold integrity, credibility, accountability, transparency, ethical values, and merit-based systems in highest regard. Impartiality and maintaining an unbiased position are also our core values. All our work is driven by excellence.