HRE Advocacy Materials and Networks

Maybe you are looking for advocacy materials to build your next campaign. Check us out. The Human Rights Resource Center builds partnerships with advocacy groups around the world to promote their human rights education resources and training opportunities. One such effort is the creation of the ‘Regional Human Rights Compilation.

This compilation aims at further promoting human rights, and human rights education in particular, by facilitating a number of initiatives, which might include comparing national legislation and international commitments with a view to bringing national laws into conformity with international standards; designing, implementing and evaluating human rights education programs in all sectors in line with international commitments; and supporting overall advocacy for human rights education.

We are putting together the first edition of this compilation. Want to be Part of it? Come to talk us.

The Right to Human Rights Education - A compilation of provisions of instruments dealing with human rights education in Africa

The compilation will contain texts or excerpts from regional instruments and documents dealing with human rights education, as well as general comments/recommendations of relevant bodies clarifying those provisions, organized by organization in chronological order of adoption.

These instruments and documents include treaties, covenants, conventions and protocols; charters; declarations; recommendations; decisions; resolutions; principles; guidelines; rules; final documents; commitments; and conclusions or joint communiqués of intergovernmental meetings, congresses and conferences. Despite their different legal status, and the different fora in which they were adopted which bear responsibility for their content, taken together these texts outline the human rights education commitments made by States in the context of international and regional intergovernmental forums, and provide the basis for the right to human rights education.

Human rights reflect basic human needs; they establish the basic standards without which people cannot live in dignity. Human rights are about equality, dignity, respect, freedom and justice. Human rights are held by all persons equally, universally and forever.