The Gender Agenda – Key Components
Gender Equality:
Empowered And Engaged Youth
1.By 2063, African children and youth would be fully empowered starting with full implementation of the African Charter on the Rights of the Child.
2.Youth overt unemployment would have been eliminated and they would have full access to educational training opportunities, health services, recreational and cultural activities as well as to financial means to allow each youth realize their full potential.
3.The youth will be progenitors of new knowledge driven business start-ups and will contribute significantly to the economy.
4.All forms of illegal migrations of youth would have ended, with travels to the outside world undertaken mainly for cultural and recreational purposes and not as a search for opportunities.
The Challenges Of Gender Equality And Youth Empowerment In Africa
Goal 14: Full gender equality in all spheres of life
To attain this goal, African countries would have to address the following priority areas and indicative strategies:
Priority Area | Indicative Strategies |
Empowered women and girls and provide equal access and opportunity in all spheres of life |
End all forms of violence and discrimination (social, economic and political) against women and girls and ensure full enjoyment of all their human rights |
Agenda 2063 Goals, Priority Areas & Strategies
Goal 15: Engaged and Empowered Youth
To attain this goal, African countries would have to address the following priority areas and indicative strategies:
Priority Area | Indicative Strategies |
Empowered Youth and Children with access and opportunity in all spheres of life, especially education, health and employment | üCreate youth skills development and employment programmes üPromote the growth of youth businesses / start ups
Results Framework For Agenda 2063 – Women
Goal | Priority Areas for 2063 | Targets |
15. Full gender equality in all spheres of life
| 6.1.2. Empowered women and girls and provide equal access and opportunity in all spheres of life | 1.Equal economic rights for women, including the rights to own and inherit property, sign a contract, register and manage a business and own and operate a bank account by 2025 2.Ensure 90% of rural women have access to productive assets, including land, credit, inputs and financial services by 2030 3.50% of all elected officials at local, regional and national levels are women 2030 4.At least 50% of management positions in government and private sector are held by women by 2030 |
6.1.1. End all forms of violence and discrimination (social, economic and political) against women and girls and ensure full enjoyment of all their human rights | 1.Reduce to zero all acts of violence against women and girls in all settings (private, public as well as in conflict situations) 2.End all harmful social norms and customary practices against women and girls and those that promote violence and discrimination against women and girls by 2030 3.Eliminate all barriers to quality education, health and social services for women and girls by 2020 4.End all forms of political, social, economic, legal or administrative discrimination against women by 2020
Results Framework For Agenda 2063 – Youth
Engaged and empowered Youth | 6.2.1 . Empowered youth and children with access and opportunity in all spheres of life, especially education, health and employment | 1.Reduce youth unemployment by 25% in 2020; by 50% in 2025 and by 90% in 2050 2.Youth business start ups in all business start ups is: 15% by 2020; 25% in 2030 and 35% in 2063 3.Eliminate all forms of illegal migrations of youth by 2025 4.All youth have access to educational and training opportunities, heath services and recreational and cultural activities by 2030 5.At least double proportion of Youth representation in political office at all levels – local, regional and national levels by 2035 6.Full implementation of the provisions of the African Charter on the Rights of the Child by 2025 7.End all forms of violence against children by 2020 8.End all forms of exploitative child labour by 2020 9.End the phenomena of recruitment of child soldiers by 2020 |
Implementation Of Agenda 2063 – Flagship Programmes