Donate an Object

Is it not a tragedy that the AU does not have a museum that captures the history, politics and culture of the AU and AUMS? AU Watch is establishing the ‘Kwame Nkrumah Unity Museums’ in the different Chapters. The museums will collect, conserve, and interpret Africa’s historical, political and cultural heritage to enable individuals, organisations and states to take part in creative and enjoyable learning experiences. Within the Kwame Nkrumah Unity Museums, we are also establishing:

• The Mansa Musa Gallery which tells the story of Africa from the 15th century up to the years leading to independence for most African states. The displays will contain objects interpreted through the voices of local people;

• The Julius Nyerere Gallery which tells the story of the AU and its Members from the time of independence unto the 21st century and beyond. It will also feature art collection from the Member States. These will include oils, watercolors and sketches, landscapes, portraiture and abstract pieces by a range of artists from all over the continent.

• We’re sincerely grateful for every gift we receive, whether that’s a gift in your will – either a financial contribution or the gift of an object – or a donation in memory. Your legacy will have a lasting impact.
• If you’re considering remembering our Kwame Nkrumah Unity Museums through a gift in your will or a donation in memory, our legacy manager would be happy to talk to you about how your contribution could benefit the future work of the Museum.

A gift in your will

Remembering our museums by leaving a gift in your will, no matter what size, can help us build and care for the collection, support special exhibitions and deliver innovative learning, research and conservation programmes.

If you’d like to remember our Kwame Nkrumah Unity Museums in your will, our legacy manager would be happy to talk to you about how your gift could benefit the future work of the Museum.

For more information, please email or phone +220 9323 567

Donate an object

The Kwame Nkrumah Unity Museums is very grateful to those who wish to donate objects to the national collection.

The Museum is committed to caring for the collection. Please send more details about your proposed donation, including images and provenance information, to:

Donate in memory

When we lose a loved one, remembering them in a meaningful way can bring consolation. Your gift can help the memory of a friend or relative live on while supporting the Museum’s work.

Our legacy manager would be happy to talk to you about giving a gift in memory or setting up a tribute fund.

For more information, please email: or phone: +220 567.

Our Collections Development Group makes decisions on what we collect. It’s made up of curators and other specialist staff, and meets every month to select from the many items offered to the museum, choosing the ones that are most suitable for exhibition or research.

Our focus now is on collecting objects that reflect the impact railways have made on society, culture and technology—including developing technologies—and to represent key human stories in railway history. We want to explain these objects to visitors of all ages, and make them available to people doing historical research.

We can’t display all the objects in the collection, so many are put in storage. They’re available for researchers and visitors to look at by appointment, and may be brought out for gallery displays and temporary exhibitions. Some are loaned to other institutions for their own exhibitions, if they meet the specific criteria required to take care of loan objects.

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Please make an appointment with the relevant curator before bringing an object into the museum or sending it by post. Contact us in writing with some details about your object, and include a photograph so we can assess it.

Write to: National Railway Museum, Leeman Road, York YO26 4XJ


After this, there’s a formal approvals process (see our collecting policy), and you also might need to help our curators and registrars by giving them information about the object and where it came from.

Please make an appointment with the relevant curator before bringing an object into the museum or sending it by post. Contact us in writing with some details about your object, and include a photograph so we can assess it.

Write to: National Railway Museum, Leeman Road, York YO26 4XJ


After this, there’s a formal approvals process (see our collecting policy), and you also might need to help our curators and registrars by giving them information about the object and where it came from.

There are a variety of reasons we may not be able to accept your offer—it could be that we already have a similar example in the collection, that your object is simply too big, or of a type we don’t collect. We will always tell you why we can’t accept it, and suggest other museums that might be interested.

We are not currently accepting archival ephemera created before 1993. This is to avoid duplication as we work through a backlog of material. This covers items such as timetables, rule books, technical manuals, company literature, promotional items, forms, procedural documents and others.

We can’t accept objects with specific conditions attached, or on long-term loan.

We also do not collect firearms or objects containing the following hazardous substances:

  • Asbestos
  • Explosives
  • Flammable material
  • Poisons
  • Potentially carcinogenic or radioactive material

We cannot give a valuation for any object.

If you have questions about the the potential tax implications of a donation, talk to an accountant, solicitor or independent tax adviser.

If would like to offer an object to the national collection, please complete the form below.

Details of possible donation

About the object you would like to donate

 If purchased, please say where from.




Supporting documents

If you are supplying more than one file, please upload them as a zipped folder. For items such as diaries and books, you do not need to photograph the whole item; please supply an image of the front cover and close-ups of any identifying marks.

Choose FileNo file selected.

Your contact details
