The 2018 16 Days of Activism campaign was launched on 25 November in Melmoth, KwaZulu-Natal under the theme: #HearMeToo: End Violence against Women and Children!
Background The 16 Days of Activism for No Violence against Women and Children campaign will take place from 25 November to 10 December 2018.
Over the period government will convene a series of dialogues on violence against women and children to focus on the problem, discuss the causes and to find appropriate solutions. Through the dialogue sessions government will interact with community members who experience violence and abuse.
It is important that the 16 Days Campaign is not viewed as a stand-alone event. It is another leg of the #356Days of Activism Campaign and #CountMeIn, which aims to mobilise members of society, especially men to join hands with government in the fight to curb Violence Against Women.