Hakeem Belo-Osagie (Nigerian Entrepreneur)
Structure of the A&PP
Leadership of A&PP (Patrons; Advisors, Experts)
Staff Directory of the A&PP
To be a one-stop Resource Centre for the latest information, news and analysis on all AU and AUMS related matters.
To be the lead regional voice on AU matters and AU Member States, to the point were its views are able to influence AU policies and programs, with a lasting and beneficial effect on the African citizen.
Service: To serve the African people.
Dedication: We are dedicated to the cause of Africa and determined to achieve what we have set for ourselves. We are results oriented.
Innovation: There must be another way of achieving the objectives of the AU and its Member States. We refuse to accept the status quo of poverty, inequality, economic stagnation, conflicts, bad governance and human rights violations in Africa. The African condition is not fatal. We are of the view that if there is an ‘x’ way of doing something, there must be a ‘y’ way of doing the same thing. We believe that best practices are never static; and as such, are open to innovative and cost-effective approaches that can improve the quality of our programs.
Sharing: We cherish the exchange of knowledge, experience, ideas and skills among ourselves, with our partners and other stakeholders – Africa needs to share all what it has. We believe that you can never be a successful person if the people around you are poor and live on your goodwill and handouts. By sharing skills and knowledge, we improve people’s ability to make informed choices and are therefore able to improve their lives.
The Admin & Policy Program is the SECRETARIAT and HUB of the organization. It is AU Watch’s leading think tank unit. It gives strategic direction to the entire organization, and is responsible setting and implementing policy, monitoring performance and promoting the interests of AU Watch.The nine-person Policy & Admin Program is a Subcommittee of AU Watch’s Governing Council to which it reports. Seven of the Members are renowned volunteer experts in policy, programs and administrative matters and the remaining two are staff members – the Executive Director and the Director of Strategic Operations.
Strengthening capacity is key to our work with our staff, volunteers, CSOs and other collaborators, including, media professionals, the AU itself and its Member States.The Admin & Policy Program supervises all the programs and activities of AU Watch, including all sub-committees and directorates. It sets out and ensures that all the policies and programs of AU Watch are coordinated and implemented, providing technical, operational and logistical support, advice and direction for the entire organization. Working with AU Watch’s media and education teams, the Admin and Policy Program assists the AU in raising awareness about its programs and activities and how they can be accessed by the ordinary citizen, providing up-to-date, timely and reliable information to the media and ordinary citizens.
We recognize that the decisions of policy makers can have profound impact on governance, sustainable development, rule of law and human rights. AU Watch’s Policy & Admin Program, therefore, is designed to work with policy and decision makers at the African Union and with other ‘movers and shakers’ at the regional and international levels.
(a) Providing research, advice and analysis to help policy makers at the AU, Member States, national and international organizations formulate policies that resonate with the African peoples. We give verbal and written analysis of topical issues about the AU based on our inside knowledge of the organization and on our research and field experience regionally. We undertake projects that are comparative in nature, regional in scope, and on topics under-researched in the field. The end product of our research, most of the time, is publication that should be an obligatory reference. Our information and policy briefs and reports on best practice could potentially cover issues like transitional justice, slavery and trafficking, human rights and climate change, voting and democratic legitimacy and much more. Most of our programs work to help African states create strong, informed policies and the right environment for change. To do so, our research and analysis focuses on:
· Building accountable states and empowering citizens
· Promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth
· Strengthening independent policy research organizations.
(b) Contributing to international standards for accountability and justice – the Program provides advice and recommendations on guidelines, principles, and other foundational documents in governance, sustainable development, rule of law and human rights.
(c) Sharing knowledge by offering training, briefings, seminars, and conferences to inform policy on a range of matters covered by the AU. Attendees include officials from the AU, African CSOs, Member States, UN agencies and departments, the Organization of American States and the European Union.
(d) Providing technical and logistical support to other sections and departments of AU Watch like the Media, Outreach and Education Directorate and to Member States to develop and design curricula and teaching materials on the AU for schools (junior and senior), colleges and universities.
(e) Conduct, commission and coordinate research on matters relating to the AU.
a) Providing research, advice and analysis to help policy makers at the AU, Member States, national and international organizations formulate policies that resonate with the African peoples. We give verbal and written analysis of topical issues about the AU based on our inside knowledge of the organization and on our research and field experience regionally. We undertake projects that are comparative in nature, regional in scope, and on topics under-researched in the field. The end product of our research, most of the time, is publication that should be an obligatory reference. Our information and policy briefs and reports on best practice could potentially cover issues like transitional justice, slavery and trafficking, human rights and climate change, voting and democratic legitimacy and much more. Most of our programs work to help African states create strong, informed policies and the right environment for change. To do so, our research and analysis focuses on:
b) Contributing to international standards for accountability and justice– the Program provides advice and recommendations on guidelines, principles, andother foundational documents in governance, sustainable development, rule of law and human rights.
c) Sharing knowledge byoffering training, briefings, seminars, and conferences to inform policy on a range of matters covered by the AU. Attendees include officials from the AU, African CSOs, Member States, UN agencies and departments, the Organization of American States and the European Union.Day to Day Work of the Admin & Policy Program
1. The Policy & Admin Program is AU Watch’s leading think tank department, providing advice, analysis, commentaries, and publications to urgent regional challenges to help policy makers at the AU, Member States and national and international organizations formulate policy. Its mission is to be Resource Centre and a source of ideas, offering concrete steps that AU policy makers, Member States and citizens can take to address country and regional challenges. It collaborates with other AU Watch departments and external bodies to produce books, articles, op-eds, podcasts, blogs, videos, radio programs and other policy materials, which can be used to understand Africa and its place in the world. It organizes workshops, conferences and other events. It also administers AU Watch fellowship programs.
2. It promotes constructive leadership and engagement in regional and international affairs based on the AU Watch’s central role in meeting regional and global challenges.
3. It is responsible for developing actionable foresight by identifying and assessing long-term, emerging regional trends; connecting them to current challenges to inform policy and draw implications for strategy; and designing innovative strategies to reach desired future scenarios.
4. As research and evaluation underpins all that we do at AU Watch, the Policy Program commissions state-of-the-art policy research on the AU and its Member States leading to effective solutions to the challenges facing the region. It takes the lead in investing in knowledge, innovation and solutions to improve lives and livelihoods in Africa. The program understands that neglecting to implement evidence-based policy has negative consequences for whole communities in Africa including social deprivation, inequalities, discrimination, hunger, disease and poor decision making. The program takes the lead in developing research policies related to all areas of intervention by the AU. We are especially interested in studies related to climate change, development and human rights, poverty, international human rights law, critical approaches to regional and international law, atrocities and suffering, conflicts and philosophies of violence and much more. The program particularly generates sharp, stimulating conversations about development, insecurity, human rights and seeks to inform ethical and policy debates about these issues in the AU and regionally.
5. The Programensures that high standards of scholastic excellence and unqualified independenceare maintained within the entire AU Watch structure.
6. DisseminatingAU Watch’s findings and views through a regular flow of traditional media, social media, publications and public events, including building collaborative networks of researchers, policy-makers and business representatives across the whole of Africa.
7. Providing a forum for discussion among all stakeholders, including the ordinary African citizen about the direction and the type of Africa we all want to see.
8. It provides technical assistance to the AU’s governance and human rights program under the AU’s Pan-African Program including:
(a) Supporting election observations;
(b) Support to the African Governance Architecture (“AGA”) through the AGA Secretariat;
(c) Supporting civil society organizations;
(d) Supporting public administration and anti-corruption activities of the AU;
(e) Supporting Pan-African gender interventions.
♦ Publish a peer review journal on the AU – the ‘Journal of African Studies on the African Union
♦ AU Watch News, monthly news magazine providing news, interviews, articles, op-eds, authoritative analysis and up-to-date commentary on current topics and matters
♦ AU Watch human rights Yearbook – ‘AU Watch ‘State of the Union (SOTU): Human Rights
♦ AU Watch development Yearbook – ‘AU Watch ‘State of the Union (SOTU): Development’
♦ AU Watch annual ‘Regional Terrorism Index publication’
♦ AU Watch annual ‘Regional Corruption Index publication’
♦ AU Watch ‘On-line Knowledge Portal’ resource hub;
♦ AU Watch App’ that can be downloaded or uploaded into phones and computers. The App gives information, news, analysis and announcements about everything about the AU.
♦ Organizing live Webcasting for many of the AU meetings
♦ AU Watch On-line Radio
♦ AU Watch TV;
♦ AU Watch Climate Change Centre
♦ AU Watch Institute for the Study of Human Rights and Development in Africa
♦ NGO Forum on the (African) Summit of Heads of State and Government. AU Watch library, (at AU Watch HQ) housing some of the largest collection of specialist material on the AU and African affairs;
♦ Section libraries offering various vocational and academic services in each country
♦ The ‘Nelson Mandela Academy for Leadership in African Affairs’
♦ Coordinating the work and activities of the Sections / Chapters.
♦ Coordinating AU Watch Regional Forum on the AU once every two years.
The Regional Forum on the AU is a multi-stakeholder event to discuss the work of CSO’s and NGO’s on the AU. The Forum will bring together government officials, thought leaders, thinkers, policy makers and private sector leaders who will meet to discuss the best ways to develop the future of the AU, based on what is taking place in the region. It will provide the highest quality research, policy recommendations, and analysis on a full range of public policy issues on the AU.
The main objectives of the Regional Forum on the AU are:
a. To raise the importance of the AU on the political agenda
b. To raise awareness among decision-makers and other professionals, the media and the public at large on AU issues of critical concern;
c. To support the deepening of discussions towards the resolution of regional crises
d. To provide a platform to exchange views, information and knowledge on current issues and information related to regional matters
e. To present state of the art knowledge on regional integration issues; assessment, challenges and potential solutions
f. To generate political commitment for the improvement of the AU and its programs.
The Regional Forum on the AU shall aim as much as possible to bring all stakeholders from various geographical and sectoral backgrounds together for open debate.