Is Media Work for You?

Advocacy and outreach activities form a key part of our communication approach. We provide audio-visual and print materials for use by community groups or outreach workers and work with local community organizations to convene discussion groups, road shows, street theatre and community events

This helps us to reach people who might not ordinarily have access to mass media and facilitate more discussion, deepening our impact and providing vital opportunities for audiences to input into programme-making. Do you have organizing and managing skills? If not, we can train you. What is important for us is attitude – that desire to roll up one’s sleeves and get one’s hands dirty.

  • Are you a media practitioner? If you are, welcome home. Creative, informative and entertaining media outputs are at the core of our approach.

So, we are always on the lookout for skilled media people who can volunteer some of their time and expertise. What else will you be doing? It depends. We work with national and local radio and TV stations to carry stories of our work. Working in partnership with local media houses we also produce a range of media products including TV news and programs, radio dramas, radio call-in, magazine shows, public service advertisements, billboards and interactive content for mobile phones.

For more information why not email us at:[email protected]

  • Are you between the ages of 12-17 and interested in media work – as a producer, camera person, anchor, correspondent and analyst? Our local chapters have a Young Persons Media Unit, that conveys information and news about AU Watch and our activities.

Want to join other teens discussing, critiquing and analyzing the relationshiptheir country has with the AU, and of course encouraging their government to sign, ratify and domesticate all the AU’s human rights instruments?

Give us a call or email us at:[email protected]

Interested? Get in Touch