AU Watch Young Person Media Group (Teen Media Group)

About Your Teen Media

Welcome to Your Teen Media, the resource for parenting teenagers. We are all seventeen years old and younger, but we sure do know a lot about teenagers.

The special role of children’s radio and TV (Teen Media) should not be underestimated. AU Watch is developingin each of its chapters a ‘Young Persons Media Unit’, to convey (as anchors, correspondents and analysts) information and news about AU Watch and its activities – called AU Watch ‘Teen Media’ for children aged between 12 – 17 years of age, with audio – visual facilities.

Your Teen developed out of personal passion but grew out of universal need. Friends Afua Opuki and Fatou Kamara saw that their own parenting concerns and fears resonated with most everyone they polled. AU Watch Chapter in The Gambia approached them to see if they were willing to coordinate a Teen Media program on behalf of the organisation. Your Teen Media was born.

These days, we’re pleased to say that Your Teen is a leading source for parents seeking high-quality information and advice about teenagers in the media in Africa.
We couldn’t be prouder.

Journalism Should Matter To Children

Despite the criticisms that have been levelled at news organizations in recent years and the many difficulties they face, journalism matters. It matters, because it orients people daily in the complex and changing worlds in which they live. It matters because it offers a fact-centred, documented approach to pertinent public issues. It matters because it keeps watch on the powerful, especially those in government, and can press upon them unpleasant truths to which they must respond. Corruption is stemmed, unwise initiatives stopped, public danger averted because of what journalists do. AU Watch challenges our teen journalists to think hard about what they really do. It challenges sceptical news audiences to be mindful not only of media bias, but also of their own biases and how these can distort their perception. And it holds out hope that journalism will be for years to come a path for ambitious, curious young people who love words or pictures or numbers and want to use them to improve the public conversation in familiar ways or in ways yet to be imagined.

For more information, please click here.