What We Do

We address the complex challenge of corruption with practical, cross-cutting initiatives targeting locally relevant enterprises that foster partnerships, and cross-sector collaboration, from assisting the AU and its Member States in policy creation and reform to engaging and supporting civil society and other activiststhrough training programs in preventing and exposing corruption.

  • We hold the AU, its Members, businesses, the powerful and corrupt to account, by investigating, exposing and stopping the systems and networks that enable corruption in Africa.
  • We train, educate and advocate development professionals for policies and laws to change corrupt systems, and build coalitions to drive local, national and regional change.

Asset Recovery & E-Learning Courses

Our Stolen Asset Recovery courses is a partnership between AU Watch’s Stolen Asset Recovery Centre that design and run course to end safe havens for corrupt funds. We work with the AU and its Members and financial centres to understand the laundering of the proceeds of corruption and to facilitate more systematic and timely return of stolen assets.

Bespoke Trainings

We run specialized anti-corruption training. Our specialized training legal standards and institutional framework; tracing and detection of stolen assets; asset tracing abroad; and asset recovery, seizure and confiscation.

Join Our Research & Consultancy Team

We design, test and promote new generation of more effective anti-corruption and state-building programmes based on our research and grounded in the broader society, not just the government. We are developing a network of researchers, with the aim of creating a platform for improving the capacity of the anti-corruption researchers’ fraternity. Do you have skills in anti-corruption research?

Seminars, Workshops, Conferences & Other Events

Some of our seminars, workshops and anti-corruption events bring together anti-corruption officers, scholars in communication, policy studies, and the allied social sciences to discuss and debate the role of communication approaches and techniques in bolstering anti-corruption efforts. Our events provide opportunities to deepen understanding of how corruption in Africa works and methods of combating it.

Our Media Work

Well trained journalists, informed and ethical in their work, are vital to telling the corruption story.To continue that progress in the years to come we need to support media professional development. We provide bespoke training for journalists.

Write For Us

Are you looking to earn a bit of money writing, whilst exposing corruption? Freelancing for AU Watch gives you the opportunity to work from home.